PCNQ601A型全自动凝/倾点测定仪 基本参数 1、测定范围:室温~-70℃; 2、试验冷阱:1只/2只,可单独操作; 3、测试间隔:凝点2℃,倾点3℃(也可人工设定检测间隔温度); 4、制冷压缩机:品牌全封闭压缩机; 5、操作显示:全称电脑控制; 6、打印:办公打印机随时打印; 7、凝点、倾点检测:USA LAWLER方法; 8、试管倾斜:与冷阱一起,由电机带动。 PCNQ601A型全自动凝/倾点测定仪 产品特点 1、制冷系统采用品牌全封闭压缩机。 2、金属浴冷阱降温速度快,zui低温度可达零下80℃。 3、凝点、倾点检测时,试管*模拟人工倾斜,冷阱浴槽与试管同步,可达到无扰动检测。 4、凝点、倾点采用USA自动检测技术;冷滤点、浊点采用光导纤维自动检测。 5、冷阱浴槽、复位光电自动控制。 PCNQ601A型全自动凝/倾点测定仪 PCNQ601A automatic condensate / pour point tester Basic parameters 1, measurement range: room temperature ~ -70 ℃; 2, the test cold trap: 1/2 can operate independently; 3, the test interval: Freezing Point 2 ℃, pour point 3 ℃ (can also be manually set temperature detection interval); 4, refrigeration compressor: Brand closed compressor; 5, the operation display: full name of the computer control; 6. Print: office printer is ready to print; 7, pour point, pour point detection: USA LAWLER method; 8, tilt tube: together, driven by an electric motor with a cold trap. Features 1, the refrigeration system using the brand closed compressor. 2, the cold trap metal bath cooling speed, minimum temperature can reach minus 80 ℃. 3, pour point, pour point detection, manual tilt tube fully simulate the cold trap and bath tubes simultaneously, can be achieved without disturbance detection. 4, pour point, pour point automatic detection technology using USA; cold filter plugging point, cloud point fiberoptic automatically detected. 5, bath cold trap reset photoelectric automatic control. |
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