本仪器是根据国家标准GB/T 262《石油产品苯胺点测定法》中*种试验装置的要求设计制造的,适用于测定浅色石油产品与等体积的苯胺在互相溶解成为 单一液相所需的zui低温度,该温度称为苯胺点。本仪器对试样采用电热丝加热,手动调节控温,无级调速电动搅拌;苯胺点检测采用自动检测终点,声光显示报警。 具有运行可靠、使用方便、测定准确的特点。
1. 工作电源 : AC220V±10%,50Hz;
2. 测定范围 : 室温~150℃;
3. 搅拌速度 : 0~1200 r/min;
4. 加热功率 : 25W;
5. 外形尺寸 : 360mm×250mm×545mm。
水银温度计:30~100℃ 分度值 0.2℃
水银温度计:90~170℃ 分度值 0.2℃
电源线(250V 6A)
PBAD262 petroleum products Aniline Point Tester
First, use
The instrument is designed and manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the aniline point of petroleum products in the national standard GB / T 262 "Determination" an experimental device applicable to the determination of light petroleum products, with an equal volume of aniline in each other dissolved into a single liquid phase the the minimum required temperature, which temperature is called the aniline point. On the sample, the instrument using electric trace heating, manually adjust the temperature control, stepless speed electric mixer; the aniline point detected by the automatic detection of the end, the sound and light show alarm. Reliable operation, easy to use, accurate determination of the characteristics.
Second, the technical parameters
1. Working power: AC220V ± 10%, 50Hz;
Measuring range: room temperature ~ of 150 ° C;
Stirring rate: 0 ~ 1200 r / min;
4 heating power: 25W;
Dimensions: 360mm × 250mm × 545mm.
Third, complete sets of equipment
Aniline Point Tester PBAD262 type
Glass tubes
Mercury thermometer: 30 ~ 100 ℃ dividing the value of 0.2 ℃
Mercury thermometer: 90 ~ 170 ℃ dividing the value of 0.2 ℃
Thermometer fixed stalls circle (# 1)
Power supply line (250V 6A)
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